Our Montessori Values : Our child-centered Montessori preschool program nurtures the natural curiosity and interest in learning that all children possess. We believe that true learning comes about not through imposing sets of facts upon children but instead, by helping them to actively experience, explore and understand those facts for themselves.Because preschool age children learn best by using their senses, our curriculum provides many opportunities for children to regularly use all 5 senses.
We believe that children do not need to be forced to learn. Instead, they are very eager to acquire information, skills and abilities and are best served by an educational method that allows them to do so. Therefore, all learning within our preschool program is geared towards encouraging and aiding each individual child’s inherent interest in gaining knowledge.
Our Goals and Methods : In accordance with Dr. Montessori’s belief that "play” is a child’s work, our curriculum focuses on encouraging sustained, child-led, hands-on learning, in which children are given the chance to unleash their curiosity and gain knowledge by using Montessori materials. Until the age of 6, young children experience stages in which they are especially sensitive to learning certain skills. We adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of children as they naturally progress into these stages. Children grow into leaders while also developing strong social skills within a mixed –age classroom, where they are able to interact and learn with children of different ages.
Benefits : Because children are not "pushed” into learning and are instead given the freedom and space to express their own interest in learning, they are much more successful in understanding, remembering and using the skills and knowledge they have learned. By experiencing self-led learning in a calm, structured atmosphere, children develop the ability to concentrate, are able to interact with others in beneficial ways and have a high level of personal responsibility.
Our teachers (also known as guides)are responsible for furnishing Montessori tools and opportunities but children utilize their own strong desire to know, in order to become productive, skilled and independent thinkers and doers.