Music, Rhythm & Instruments
Our preschool music program introduces children to the rich and exciting world of sounds, rhythms, songs and instruments, helping them to develop their senses and sharpen their cognitive abilities. Learning is focused on cultivating an interest in music by engaging children in enjoyable and interesting activities like singing, dancing, creating music and experiencing various instruments.
Children learn to sing along to a catalog of songs and are also introduced to important concepts such as pitch, pattern, beat and rhythm in music, through play-led activities, presentations and group performances.
Music and movement are combined through teaching preschoolers simple motions and hand gestures to accompany sounds. They are also encouraged to move freely to music, in order to allow them to explore creative self-expression and improve their movement control. They have the opportunity to explore different types of instruments, to practice playing simple instruments and to identify their own favorites.
Our music program is designed to encourage important progress in children, allowing them to build stronger language, social and motor skills while having a lot of fun.